阻燃魔术贴搭扣 粘扣带 阻燃魔术贴 燃烧不着火 Flame-retardant Velcro strap Flame-retardant Velcro strap does not burn
2024-05-13 浏览次数:14次
阻燃魔术贴应用场景 阻燃魔术贴又名魔术贴,通常也叫阻燃魔术贴,是尼龙织物材料做成制品,尼龙织物阻燃的特点是: 1,如果把阻燃剂和尼龙一起纺成丝,再做成阻燃尼龙织物魔术贴,那么这个丝的物理性能很差,抗冲强度和耐撕裂强度都不够,因此只能做成涂层型阻燃; 2,尼龙织物本身就很容易融滴,阻燃效果比较差; 3,尼龙的附着力比较差,涂层容易脱落。 每阻燃剂的小女孩和客户一起探讨尼龙织物阻燃剂 卖阻燃剂的小女孩经过**万次的试验和现场使用,彻底解决了这几个问题。是怎么解决的呢?是通过三大革命性技术支持: **,TOP-modify材料改性技术开创尼龙织物阻燃剂的新时代; *二,seal-seal AI智能互联技术 开创尼龙织物和阻燃剂相容的新时代; Composite 500 吸附技术尼龙织物和阻燃剂强附着力的新时代。 使用准确尼龙织物阻燃剂的魔术贴效果好 正常情况下卖阻燃剂的小女孩,阻燃尼龙魔术贴用的阻燃工艺是涂层工艺,阻燃剂和油性聚氨酯复配均匀,再把混合物均匀涂覆到魔术贴上,厚度一般为80--120克/平方米,然后在烘箱中120--150度进行烘烤即可。 很多不负责任的厂商生产的阻燃魔术贴,没有清洗的时候,阻燃效果很好,但是只要洗过一次,阻燃效果就几乎没有了。为什么会产生这种现象呢?原来这种阻燃产品是水溶性产品,一旦遇到水,就会很快失去阻燃性能。 检测的方法也很简单,把阻燃尼龙魔术贴放到常规洗衣机中,加入40℃的温水,搅拌45分钟,经过25次洗礼以后,仍然能够达到UV94-V0标准,ISO-EN11612标准,那么这种阻燃剂就是优质的阻燃剂。 卖阻燃剂的小女孩给阻燃魔术贴做阻燃测试 用打火机烧尼龙魔术贴,持续12秒,没有滴落,没有阴燃和续燃,这种阻燃剂就是好的阻燃剂。 好的尼龙魔术贴阻燃剂用量为80--,由于用量大,所以很容易造成物理性能下降,比如附着力下降,解决的方法一般是增加附着力增强剂,也叫牢度增强剂。选择优质的尼龙织物阻燃剂,这种阻燃剂本身就有附着力增强功能,省心. 阻燃尼龙魔术贴用在消防服上,一般不细心的人不注意,选择留心观察一下,用途真不少。阻燃魔术贴都用在消防服的什么地方呢?阻燃魔术贴在消防服上用途可真不少。 尼龙织物阻燃剂横空出世,解决了阻燃魔术贴的阻燃功效,为消防员赢得一次战胜火魔的机会。 阻燃魔术贴是特殊设计的魔术贴,具有阻燃特性。其耐高温、阻燃功能强,提高安全性,适用于防爆场合,如航空、*等领域。部分产品还具有环保特性,符合环保标准。 Fireproof and flame retardant Velcro application scenarios Flame retardant Velcro, also known as fire retardant Velcro, usually called fire retardant Velcro, is made of nylon fabric materials, nylon fabric flame retardant characteristics are: 1, if the flame retardant and nylon are spun into silk, and then made into flame retardant nylon fabric Velcro, then the physical properties of the silk are very poor, impact strength and tear strength are not enough, so it can only be made into coating flame retardant; 2, nylon fabric itself is easy to melt drops, flame retardant effect is relatively poor; 3, the adhesion of nylon is relatively poor, the coating is easy to fall off. Each little flame retardant girl and customer explores nylon fabric flame retardants together The little girl who sells flame retardants has thoroughly solved these problems after more than 10,000 tests and field use. How was it solved? Supported by three revolutionary technologies: First, TOP-modify material modification technology creates a new era of nylon fabric flame retardant; Second, seal-seal AI intelligent interconnection technology opens a new era of compatibility between nylon fabrics and flame retardants; Composite 500 adsorption technology A new era of strong adhesion to nylon fabrics and flame retardants. Velcro using accurate nylon fabric flame retardants works well Under normal circumstances, the flame retardant process for flame-retardant nylon Velcro is the coating process, the flame retardant and oily polyurethane are evenly mixed, and then the mixture is evenly coated to the Velcro, the thickness is generally 80--120 grams/square meter, and then baked in the oven at 120--150 degrees. Many irresponsible manufacturers of flame retardant Velcro, no cleaning, the flame retardant effect is very good, but as long as washed once, the flame retardant effect is almost no. Why does this happen? The original flame retardant product is water-soluble products, once encountered water, will quickly lose flame retardant properties. The detection method is also very simple, put the flame-retardant nylon Velcro into the conventional washing machine, add 40℃ warm water, stir for 45 minutes, after 25 baptism, can still reach the UV94-V0 standard, ISO-EN11612 standard, then this flame retardant is a high-quality flame retardant. The little girl who sells flame retardants tests the Velcro Fire retardant nylon Velcro with a lighter, lasting 12 seconds, no dripping, no smoldering and secondary combustion, this flame retardant is a good flame retardant. Good nylon Velcro flame retardant dosage is 80-, due to the large amount, so it is easy to cause a decline in physical properties, such as adhesion decline, the solution is generally to increase adhesion enhancer, also known as fastness enhancer. Choose high quality nylon fabric flame retardant, this flame retardant itself has adhesion enhancement function, save worry. Fire retardant nylon Velcro used in fire clothing, generally not careful people do not pay attention, choose to pay attention to observe, the use is really a lot. Fire retardant Velcro are used in fire clothing where? Fire retardant Velcro has a lot of uses on fire suits. Nylon fabric flame retardant came out, solved the flame retardant effect of fire retardant Velcro, for firefighters to win a chance to defeat the fire. Flame retardant Velcro is a specially designed Velcro with flame retardant properties. Its high temperature resistance, flame retardant function is strong, improve safety, suitable for fire and explosion protection occasions, such as aerospace, military and other fields. Some products also have environmental protection characteristics and meet environmental protection standards.